College of Physical Education in minutes

Learn about the Faculty of Physical Education since its inception until now and the educational, research and community services it provides to the community of Dakahlia Governorate, where the faculty grants a bachelor's degree, a master's degree and a doctorate in many disciplines

Units of the Faculty of Physical Education


Quality Assurance Unit

In the interest of the college on the quality of the educational process and upgrading the level of its graduates to international quality specifications, it started its first steps in that path through the approval of the College Council in its session No. (83) on 23/5/2005 to establish a quality assurance unit in the college and allocate a distinguished headquarters for it within the main administrative building of the college

Information technology unit

The unit seeks to promote e-learning at the college level to reach local and international leadership by developing executive plans and programs that organize the work of e-learning, whether for students or faculty members.


International Student Unit

The office was established according to the decision of the College Council in its session No. (204) on 20/8/2013, and it was added within the organizational structure of the college and an administrative structure was formed for it under the supervision of Prof. Dr. / Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research and based on the letter received from Mr. Prof. Dr. / President University on 12/5/2015 AD

Training and rehabilitation unit

Providing distinguished training programs that keep pace with developments in the sports labor market for students, graduates, and workers in the sports field


Alumni Follow-up Unit

The Alumni Follow-up Unit targets graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education - Mansoura University

The unit also seeks to achieve career leadership for a graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education - Mansoura University in the labor market at the local, regional and international levels.

Electronic services at Mansoura University


Graduate Studies

Teaching staff and staff


 Contains photo albums

And the YouTube channel


Guides and regulations

Learn about everything about the college regulations and guides


competitive advantages

Teaching staff in positions at the university and master's and doctoral theses

Faculty awards

Awards obtained by the college

Accreditation certificates included


College library

It contains many books

Encyclopedias, periodicals and letters

Scientific Journal

Specializing in physical education

Sports sciences and humanities.....


Faculty of Physical Education statistics

Some numbers that may help you know the size of a college of physical education

Graduate Studies
Teaching staff
Expats - Bachelor's degree
Expats - postgraduate studies

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Olympic Village Faculty of Physical Education - Egypt

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  2201246 (50) 20+

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