Faculty genesis


Faculty of Physical Education was established under Presidential Decree No. (287) for 1994, where study began in 1995/1996
Prof. Mohammed Sayed Khalil (professor of sports training) was the first dean who hold Faculty leadership in its first inception
Prof. Moss'ad Ali Mahmoud (professor of sports training) was the second dean who established the new building within the Olympic village, Mansoura university. Then success continued with the third dean Prof. Mohammed Kamal El-Sammanody, who completed the new building's facilities, laboratories and equipment, in addition to engaging in quality and accreditation project
The faculty obtained accreditation under the leadership of Prof. Ali Elsae'ed Rehan (professor of sports training), after him, Prof. Mohamed Shawky Kishk (professor of sports training) was the faculty first elected dean.
Faculty of Physical Education- Mansoura University consider one of the most important Physical Education faculties in Egypt, and it seeks to be an example of excellence and taking the lead among similar faculties, through providing professional and technical services and specialized programs in various sports sectors that include having the best standards for the craft and moral skills.


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