Criteria for selecting administrative leadership


First, appointment to leadership positions and supervisory management:

Articles (17 and 20) of Law No. (81) of 2016 promulgating the Civil Service Law stipulate the following:
Article (17):
Appointment to leadership positions and supervisory management shall take place through a competition announced on the Egyptian government portal website or publication in two widely circulated newspapers including data related to the job. Appointment shall be through a selection committee for a maximum period of three years, which may be renewed for a maximum of three years based on performance evaluation reports, without Violation of the rest of the conditions necessary to fill these positions
Appointment in these positions is required to ensure that the qualities of integrity are available from the concerned authorities, provided that the opinion that they are not available is based on sufficient evidence and serious reasons and passing the necessary training. The agency determines the level of required training programs and the approved agencies to provide these programs
The executive regulations specify the procedures and rules for selecting the occupants of these positions, the formation of the selection, preparation and qualification committee necessary for filling them, and the procedures for evaluating the results of the occupants' work.

Article (20):
The period of occupying the leadership and supervisory positions ends with the expiry of the period specified in the decision to fill them, unless a decision is issued to renew them, and at the end of this period the employee occupies another job whose level is not less than the level of the job he used to occupy if he was a state employee before occupying one of these positions
Article 3 of the law states the following:
The Prime Minister issues, after taking the opinion of the Civil Service Council, the executive regulations of the accompanying law within three months from the date of its enforcement.


Secondly, the selection of heads of administrative departments:

The heads of the administrative departments of the college are entrusted with administrative orders approved by Mr. 0D / Dean of the College in consultation with the Secretary of the College and the gentlemen working in the concerned administrative departments, in accordance with the rules set out in the definition of grades section of the executive regulations of Law No. (47) of 1978, as well as the detailed standards set by the college administration It was approved by the esteemed College Council and is as follows:

  • Academic experience in the field of work for which he is nominated
  • Qualifications
  • Eligible training courses
  • The ability to act and take responsibility
  • The ability to develop information and skills
  • Add something new to develop performance within the department
  • Performance adequacy reports
  • Resume and discipline at work



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