
Vice Dean for Graduate Studies Affairs

Mr. Dr. Hossam El Din Farouk


Scientific research is considered one of the important pillars for the progress of nations and increasing their resources, which helps to stabilize national security. Therefore, the graduate studies and research sector at the college aims to provide a set of distinguished programs and courses, while providing all the capabilities that encourage faculty members, their assistants, and postgraduate students, both Egyptian and expatriate students, to Carrying out distinguished research with master’s and doctoral degrees that generally contribute to the advancement and development of all aspects of the sports system in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and what is required by the local, regional and international labor market.

وكيل الكلية لشئون الدراسات العليا

Mr. Dr. Hossam El Din Farouk


Scientific research is considered one of the important pillars for the progress of nations and increasing their resources, which helps to stabilize national security. Therefore, the graduate studies and research sector at the college aims to provide a set of distinguished programs and courses, while providing all the capabilities that encourage faculty members, their assistants, and postgraduate students, both Egyptian and expatriate students, to Carrying out distinguished research with master’s and doctoral degrees that generally contribute to the advancement and development of all aspects of the sports system in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and what is required by the local, regional and international labor market.

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