Mechanism of Complaints and suggestions


Faculty’s council no. (332) on September 19, 2021, approved on mechanism of complaints and suggestions

In terms of Faculty's vision and mission, we provide high level services for stakeholders, so our faculty works on:

  • Encouraging stakeholders to provide any suggestion to improve faculty services.
  • Encouraging stakeholders to provide any complaints and seek to resolve them and minimize any negative effects on students and staff.
  • Complaints and suggestions include feedback of faculty's services to improve educational and research process.
  • Complaints and suggestions are examined through charged Commission (complaints and suggestions) within faculty's organizational structure.
  • Faculty leadership handles complaints while maintaining full confidentiality of complaints and not harming students because of any complaints.
  • Our faculty organizes seminars and workshops to disseminate culture of making complaints or suggestions from all faculty staff and members.
  • Our faculty provides enough complaints and suggestions boxes for students and staff.
  • Faculty has designed a website to receive any suggestions or complaints, besides offering a window for presenting their suggestions and expressing their views of the educational process.


First, methods of receiving complaints and suggestions via:

  • Distributed boxes in all parts of faculty building.
  • Electronically on faculty website or by e-mail.
  • Academic guidance reports of faculty staff directly or indirectly, or in any other way.
  • Orally among Committee members and complaining party.
  • Through discussions between faculty management and related parties within seminars, public lectures or meetings.
  • Through division head and President of student Union.


Committee Functions:

  • Receiving complaints and suggestions via distributed boxes in all parts of faculty building.
  • Organizing seminars and workshops to disseminate culture of complaints or suggestions at faculty staff.
  • Classifying complaints and suggestions submitted by faculty staff, with eliminating anonymous complaints written in improper manner.
  • Determine the dates for the owners of the complaints and suggestions to inquire about some mysterious complaint or proposal submitted points.
  • Displaying a special report on suggestions and complaints to Faculty Council to discuss these suggestions and complaints and decide about direct them.

Methods of receiving complaints and suggestions

  • Boxes distributed throughout faculty building
  • Receiving complaints and suggestions orally between committee members and complaining party
  • Through discussions between faculty management
  • Preparing a form to classify complaints and proposals
  • Prepare a complaint record 


Second: steps of examining complaints and proposals:

For problems:

  • Examining complaints to determine responsible party and determine time required to answer them if possible.
  • Send a copy of the complaint to responsible party.
  • Follow-up with responsible party for resolving the problem within specified time.
  • When responsible party replies, the committee sends that reply to the complaint
  • In case of complaint relates to any Committee member, that member shall be excluded till complaint subject be discussed.
  • anonymous complaints are recorded in a special record and are not neglected, and given a serial number, then be studied and solved.

For proposals:

  • proposal shall be submitted to responsible authorities to determine if it is applicable, then try to implement that proposal. 

 Third: steps of following up:

  • Complainants are informed with decisions or solutions through one of the following means:

- Personal communication with complainant.
- e-mail.
- Through meetings in case the complaint was public.
- Publishing responses regarding complaints on complaints and proposals' board

Committee outputs:

  • Regular meetings agendas.
  • Periodic reports on committee activities and its decisions to solve faculty problems 


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