About the Information Technology Unit

The unit seeks to promote e-learning at the college level to reach local and international leadership by developing executive plans and programs that organize the work of e-learning, whether for students or faculty members.

E-learning is one of the means that supports the educational process and transforms it from the stage of indoctrination to the stage of creativity, interaction and skill development. Rapid shifts in the field of technology have led to the emergence of new patterns of learning and teaching, which has further consolidated the concept of individual or self-education. Where the learner continues his learning according to his energy, ability, speed of learning, and according to his previous experiences and skills. E-learning is considered one of these advanced patterns of so-called distance learning in general, and computer-based education in particular. Where e-learning relies mainly on computers and networks in the transfer of knowledge and skills. Its applications include web learning, computer learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. The content of the lessons is presented via the Internet, audio tapes, videos, and CDs, as well as all questions are answered, and final and semi-final exams, as well as research papers, are sent through programs or e-mail.

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