Research plan for the Department of Sports Psychology

Innovations in the research plan of the Department of Sports Psychology. Plan areas:

The areas of the research plan allow all major disciplines of the department; (philosophy of physical education and exercise - psychological measurement in the field of education and sports - psychology of sports - sociology of sports), and then postgraduate students and researchers from the faculty members and the supporting staff by selecting research issues that achieve the goals of the department and its role in the growth of the college community and the external community, And his contributions to the development of the main fields of specializations of the department, namely:

- Sports psychology.

- Sports Sociology.

- Philosophy and educational foundations in the field of sports.

- Psychometrics in the field of education and sports.

The axes of the updated plan for scientific research for the Department of Sports Psychology are represented in accordance with societal issues and the needs of various institutions and bodies, as shown

Research areas

Areas of study

First, the field of sports psychology:

  • Specialized applied programs in the fields of (psychological preparation - mental training - sports psychological guidance and counseling).
  • Cognitive and mental aspects in the field of education and sports.
  • Physiological orientation associated with the field of sports psychology.
  • Contemporary applications in sports psychology (cognitive - behavioral - and positive).
  • Modern trends in the management of the sports psychology laboratory.
  • Emotional aspects in the field of education and sports.
  • Strategies to enhance and evaluate the psychological aspects associated with the educational and sports fields.

All institutions and bodies related to the variables and nature of research procedures

Secondly, the field of sports sociology:

  • Social phenomena in the sports field.
  • Issues of loyalty, belonging, citizenship and diversity in the sports field.
  • Values, social and ethical responsibility in sports.
  • Anthropology and geography of sports and patterns of sports practice societies.
  • Sociometric measurement in the sports field.
  • Sports and sustainable development.
  • Sports as a social system.

All institutions and bodies related to the variables and nature of research procedures

Third, philosophy and educational foundations in the field of sports:

  • Cross-cultural studies in the philosophical foundations of sport and physical exercise.
  • Studying the philosophy of physical education in the thought of ancient and modern philosophers.
  • A study of contemporary philosophical issues of sport and physical exercise.
  • Philosophical evaluation of the problems of educational, psychological and social research in the field of sports.

All institutions and bodies related to the variables and nature of research procedures

Fourth, psychological measurement in the sports field:

  • Building, codifying and Arabizing psychological tests and measures in the sports and educational field for normal people and people with special needs.
  • Measurement technology in laboratories and sports psychology research.
  • Problems of psychological measurement in the field of educational sports.

All institutions and bodies related to the variables and nature of research procedures

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