About the Department of Sports Recreation



Leadership and excellence locally and globally in building a sports community that achieves the goals of sustainable development


The college maintains the excellence of its academic programs to prepare and qualify a qualified graduate who possesses theoretical knowledge, applied and specialized technological skills, and to provide innovative scientific research to serve the community in accordance with international quality standards.



  • Preparing and refining academic leadership capable of leading leisure services in leisure time for different society groups in governmental and civil sports institutions.
  • Providing necessary scientific services and professional skills for refinement and rehabilitation of pioneers and recreational professionals in civil and governmental organizations.
  • Providing graduates with information, knowledge and special skills to lead recreation for those with special needs.
  • Educate and refine students to learn what is new in recreation field in order to keep pace with modern scientific development.
  • Cooperation with governmental and private institutions working in physical education and sports field in studying issues related to entertainment in leisure time that interest community and provide scientific and research advice in recreation field.
  •  Planning advanced programs to qualify and refine department's staff members to obtain academic degrees in accordance with latest international developments in recreation field.
  • Encouraging faculty members and their assistants to conduct research and scientific studies within framework of department's research plan to contribute in solving problems associated with recreation in various civil society and government organizations.

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