Research plan for the Department of Sports Training

Criteria and controls for preparing the department’s research plan:

• That the research plan be consistent with the vision and mission of the college and department.

• Develop the research plan in light of the strategic objectives of the department and the college.

• The plan should be modern and compatible with the requirements of the times.

• To work to meet the needs of the labor market in terms of knowledge and skills

Timeline for implementing the plan:

• The research plan of the Sports Training Department extends for a period of three years, taking into account the changes that may occur in the fields related to sports training annually in accordance with the requirements of the times.

• The mechanism of developing the department's research plan:

• Taking the opinion of the beneficiaries from the coaches and officials in clubs and youth centers in the governorate

• Poll the opinion of society and the labor market about special problems in the field of sports training.

• Presenting the proposed plan to the College's Graduate Studies Committee.

• Approval of the research plan by the college council.

Addressing the university to find out the main modern axes on which the research plan is based.

• The research plan is announced on the academic departments of integration and on the college's website.

Field of application of the research plan:

• Faculties of Physical Education.

• Sports clubs.

• Youth centers.

• Sports federations.

• Schools.

• Youth and Sports Directorate .

• Directorate of Education .

Recent research directions of the department:

• Selection of the biologically gifted in the sports field.

• Using modern technology in sports training.

• Physiology of sports training and its modern applications.

• Modern training methods for people with special needs and the elderly.

• Legalizing training loads for sports practitioners for all

• Legalizing training loads for special cases (slimming - controlling weight - thinness - training at heights).

• Conducting specialized exploratory research to detect talented people in various sports activities.

Training and its effect on physiological, physical and skill efficiency in different mathematics

• Conducting joint research projects with the departments associated with the college and university.

• Conducting researches related to preparing and training juniors according to the latest international methods and legalizing training loads.

• Develop a vision for joint scientific degrees with some European universities.

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