Activities of the Scientific Forum Physical rehabilitation and return to sports after sports injuries

Under the auspices of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater (President of Mansoura University), and the leadership of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Ashraf Tariq Hafez (Vice President of Mansoura University for Postgraduate Studies and Research), and the presence and honor of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Azim (Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University) Today, Sunday, December 4, 2022, the Central Library, in cooperation with the Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University, organized a scientific forum entitled (Physical Rehabilitation and Return to Sports after Sports Injuries) within the activities of the Eleventh Mansoura University Book Fair in the Conference Hall at the Central Library headquarters with the participation of Dr. Khaled Ali Shady (teacher) Doctor, Department of Sports Health Sciences) as a lecturer for the forum
Many of our students, researchers and faculty members from various faculties from inside and outside Mansoura University participated and attended the forum.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the College, also congratulated His Excellency Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater, President of Mansoura University, on assuming the leadership and presidency of the university, praying to the Almighty for success and payment, and he thanked everyone who participated in the success of this day from among the students of the college who made To organize this great day in cooperation with the Central Library Administration to raise the status of Mansoura University
He added that the College of Physical Education has many scientific cadres of faculty members, their assistants and the administrative staff, who have been prepared at the highest level scientifically, academically and practically, in order to honor the college in local and international forums. He also thanked the family of the College of Physical Education in general, and Dr. Khaled Shadi in his capacity Character

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